cowry shell

THE COWRY SHELL LEADERSHIP SOCIETY represents the pinnacle of annual philanthropic support for the Kansas African American Museum (TKAAM). The Society serves to honor and recognize all those making gifts of $1,000 or more during the year (July 1 to June 30).
Sharing the Kansas African American experience with each generation is our mission. It is our work. We believe that these experiences can help each generation address challenges facing communities and our State. With your charitable gift to the Cowry Shell Leadership Society this important work is made possible.
Thanks to our 2024 A Taste of Africa Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor

Nigeria Sponsor

Venue Sponsor

Print Sponsor

Media Sponsor

Culture Sponsor

Dr. Eugene W. Adams & Myrtle Evans Adams
Antoine Agnew *
Anna Anderson & Chris Shank *
Terry & Tamara Atwater *
Ted D. & Marcia Ayres *
Brenda Baker-Hayden & Eric Hayden
Cyle & Jodi Barnwell
Aaron & Michelle Bastian *
Clay & Katherine Bastian *
Jeff & Flora Beasley *
Dr. Michael &Hon. Gwynne Birzer *
Ronald & Diane Blackwell
Dr. Len & Brenda Bogner
Dr. Val & Trish Brown, Jr *
Gene & Yolanda Camarena *
Dr. Amy & Bryan Carey *
Ebony Clemons *
Debbie Coan & Mike Brown *
Dr. Barbara Coats
Dr. Sharon Cranford *
Lai-L & Damon Daugherty
Dale & Corelia “Cokie” Diggs
Jill Docking*
Dr. Gretchen Eick & Rev. Michael Poage *
Victor & Junetta Everett *
Suzy Finn *
Sam & Meg Foreman *
Anna & Larry Fralick
Abel & Lauren Frederic
Ann Garvey *
Dioane & Heather Gates
Darryl & Wanda Givens *
Teketa & Rev. Dr. Kevass J. Harding *
Aquila N. Harrison
Joseph Hlavacek & Kathleen Shanahan
Ron & Karen Holt *
Vern Huckins *
Kara & Aaron Hunt *
Willie & Linda Kendrick*
Don & Dr. Elizabeth King
Sheila Kinnard *
Robert Layton & Beth King *
Dr. Rhonda K. Lewis & Martha Lewis
Lamont & Dr. Chela Love *
Alan & Tammy Mah
Jamil Malone *
Janice McClelland *
Jonathan McConnell *
Andy McFayden *
Carolyn & Mark McGinn*
Jane McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Fabrice Metan
Dr. V. Kaye Monk-Morgan & Derek Morgan *
Pastor Lincoln & Minister Annie Montgomery *
Shelly & Bill Moore
Pete & Jan Najera
James & Cynthia Nastars *
Sammy & Bola Oduniyi
Joseph & Roseline Onijala
Donna & Dr. Martin Perline
Dr. Holly Putnam-Jackson & Albert Jackson
Todd Ramsey *
Willard & Terri Rice
Felicia & John Rolfe *
Shane & Moji Rosson
Marvin & Lee Schmucker
Dr. Eric & Kathleen Sexton *
Denise & Don Sherman *
Don & Ellie Skokan *
Jay & Debra Smith
Shirley Smith
Doug & Kathi Stark *
Mrs. Marni Stevens
Roberta “Bo” & Robert Swanson *
Reggie & Dr. Alicia Thompson *
Dr. Thomas Scott & Dr. Fannette Thornhill-Scott *
Ragu & Sue Tirukonda
John Trowbridge
Jeff & Janice Van Sickle *
C. Edward & Gidget Watson II *
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Nisha Weems *
Jeff Weiford
Curtis Whitten *
Greg & Necol Williams
Marlon & Iris Williams
Riley & Carrie Williams
Teresa Winfield
Anne & William Woods *
Liz & Bob Workman *
Ian Worrell *
*Charter Member

A Taste of Africa 2024
Annual Cowry Shell Leadership Society Dinner